With the engine block inched into place and connected to the car via the front engine mount things started to get a bit tricky. As there is no rear engine mount the block needed to be supported on some extra axle stands whilst we re-fitted the gearbox. We had made life as easy as possible by purchasing a clutch guide tool to centre the clutch disc and some long M12 studs onto which we could hang the gearbox bell housing.
In the end we used the gearbox bolts to pull the gearbox onto the engine the last cm and it seemed to work fine. Someone has since suggested that a large ratchet strap is the ideal tool to provide enough force.
With that delay dealt with, we returned the next day to complete the job. The rear engine mounts were re-installed supporting the back of the engine properly now, and the catalytic converter, exhaust and chassis struts were bolted back on.
Underneath the car the fuel, water and hydraulic lines were reconnected, and on the top the electrical connections and wiring loom through into the boot.
We ran out of time to attempt starting the car so need to return to it in a few weeks.